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כנס החטיבה השיקומית בפסיכולוגיה

Speaking in Nir Ezion, at the annual Rehabilitative Psychology Division conference of the Israel Psychological Association, two of SHEKEL's psychologist interns, Anat Marmor and Dvora Klein, presented a lecture on: Similarities and differences in therapeutic treatment for people with neuro-developmental disorders.

The idea of the lecture was to cast light on psychological treatment for people with neuro-developmental disorders and open a window to view the inside of therapy rooms at SHEKEL. The presentation took issue with the longstanding doubts regarding the capacity of people with low cognitive ability to benefit from therapy, and stressed the current drive to strongly emphasize the emotional world and development of people with such disabilities, remembering that over and above their multiple needs of assistance, they are adults with their own identities, aspirations and desires.